Amazon 'Prime Air' Drones To Deliver Packages By 2015?
Cyber Monday will never be the same. . . . The future of present delivery just got faster following the Amazon announcement it aims to experiment with winging products to customers via its own technologically developed unmanned drones.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced the revolutionary concept on CBS television network news programme 60 Minutes.
The drones would potentially be equipped to deliver packages, up to 5 pounds in weight, in less than half an hour - picking up packages from conveyor belts and carrying them a maximum distance of 10 miles.
Tagged 'Prime Air', it is not anticipated to be in commercial use until around 2015.
Safety is a top priority and the Prime Air drones will be designed to commercial aviation standards with The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) actively working on rules and an approach for unmanned aerial vehicles that will prioritize public safety.
When: 02 Dec 2013
Credit: Supplied by
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Los drones estarán armados con balas de goma, gases lacrimógenos y armas de descarga eléctrica
En Dakota del Norte, la policía podrá usar drones armados, de acuerdo a lo que publica The Daily Beast la policía tiene autorización para usar drones armados con gas lacrimógeno, balas de goma y tasers.
La noticia ha generado revuelo en el país ya que el proyecto original apuntaba a prohibir el uso de armas en los cuadricópteros de la policía y se terminó autorizando el uso de las armas consideradas como no letales.
Dakota del Norte es uno de los estados más permisivos con respecto al uso de drones porque permite utilizarlos de noche a una altura superior a la normal.